...using models to answer key management questions
Chris Dada
(Water Quality/Environmental Health Data Specialist)
Dr Dada (fondly called Chris) is an environmental health microbiologist, specializing in the fate, transport, detection, and control of pathogens in environmental media. He completed a Masters degree in Water Science, Policy and Management at Oxford University’s Center for the Environment which adequately equipped him to provide high-level advisorial support to decision makers within the water sector. His PhD research focused on the molecular characterization of faecal indicator bacteria and antibiotic-resistant pathogens in aquatic recreational environments. In addition to his microbiology skills, Chris completed a Postgraduate Certificate programme in Data Analytics at Massey University where he extensively applied sophisticated programming tools such as Python, SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Enterprise Miner for big-data analysis and visualization.
As a Research Fellow under the leadership of Prof David Hamilton (University of Waikato), he worked with a variety of catchment, hydrodynamic and empirical models (nitrogen/phosphorus species and microbial pathogens). Dr Dada demonstrated his extensive experience in environmental science research with a focus on projects that assess/predict the effect of past/future management decisions on water quality.
At QMRA Data Experts, Chris provides specialist expertise in microbiology, quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA), predictive modelling and big data analysis to a range of commercial projects. As a consultant with expertise in both public health microbiology and risk modelling, Dr Dada has worked successfully with a variety of clients (e.g., Watercare, DHI, Beca, Alliance Group, AFFCO, property developers, district councils, Streamlined Environmental Limited etc.) to ensure seamless completion of QMRA projects within pre-agreed timelines.
Selected Technical Reports
Dada A.C (2020). Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) of the AFFCO Horotiu wastewater discharge on the receiving environment, AFFCO-QDE 2020-01, QMRA Data Experts, Hamilton, 59 pp.
Dada A.C (2020). Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) of the AFFCO Rangiuru Plant discharge and receiving environment AFFCO-QDE 2020-02, QMRA Data Experts, Hamilton, 59 pp.
Dada A.C (2020). Meremere Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge: Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment. DHI2002, Streamlined Environmental/QMRA Data Experts, Hamilton, 45 pp.
Oldman, J.W. & Dada A.C (2020) A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of the Porirua WWTP discharge and receiving environment. DHI1901, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 58 pp.
Dada A.C (2020). Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of the Gisborne WWTP Marine Discharge into Poverty Bay. GDC1801 QMRA WWTP Marine Discharge, Streamlined Environmental/QMRA Data Experts, Hamilton, 57 pp.
Dada, A.C. (2020) Trend Analysis of 20-year Kinleith Plant and receiving environment monitoring data. Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 89 pp.
Phillips, N., Boubée, J., Cox, T., Dada, A.C., Eivers, R.S., Leitch, K., Stewart, M. (2020) Kinleith re-consenting AEE: Technical Reports, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 292 pp.
Dada, A.C (2019) Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for the discharge of treated meat processing factory wastewater into the Mataura River. Report AES1704, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 105 pp.
Dada, A.C (2019) Impact of scheduled Alliance Plant discharges on Mataura River E. coli concentrations. Streamlined Environmental Memo dated 24th May 2019. Prepared for Alliance Plant, Mataura, 14 pp.
Dada, A.C (2019) Review of Section 5.10 of the ‘Action for healthy waterways’ discussion document. Streamlined Environmental Memo dated 31st October 2019. Prepared for Alliance Plant, Mataura, 14 pp.
Dada, A.C. (2019) Quantitative Microbial Health Risk Assessment for wet weather wastewater discharges into city rivers and Poverty Bay, Gisborne. Report GDC 1801, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 49 pp.
Dada, A.C. (2019) Microbial Evidence for Waikato Region Plan Change (WRPC1) hearing, 2019. Prepared/Presented on behalf of Beef and Lamb New Zealand, 33 pp.
Dada, A.C (2019) Determination of mixing zone of treated wastewater from Alliance Mataura discharged into the Mataura River: a mixing modelling approach using contaminant tracers. Report AES1803, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 18pp.
Dada, A.C. (2019) Assessment of ecological and human health effects on the Waikato River associated with the discharge of partially treated wastewater from the Hamilton WWTP RAS Station, Pukete, February 13, 2019. Report HCC1803, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 38 pp.
Dada, A.C. (2018) Assessment of ecological and human health effects on the Waikato River associated with the discharge of untreated wastewater from the Bridge Street wastewater pump station, February 20, 2018. Report HCC1801, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 20 pp.
Dada, A.C (2018) Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for the discharge of treated meat processing factory wastewater into the Mataura River. Report AES1704, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 59 pp.
Dada, A.C. (2018) Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for the discharge of treated wastewater into Whitford Embayment through Turanga Creek, LCL1702, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 41 pp.
Dada, A.C. (2018) Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for the discharge of treated wastewater at Army Bay. Report WSL1701, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 73 pp.
Stewart, M, Cooke, J, Dada, A.C. (2017) Assessment of ecological effects on the receiving environment associated with the discharge from the proposed membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment system. Option 1: Treatment of all wastewater generated by Te Kauwhata (current and future), Springhill Prison (current and future) and the Lakeside development. Report LDL1701–FINAL, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 168 pp.
Dada, A.C., Stewart, M. (2017) Assessment of ecological effects from discharge of wastewater and stormwater on the receiving environment associated with the development of Whitford Manor Estate. Report LCL1701–FINAL, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 142 pp.
Dada, A. C. (2017) Development of Predictive Models for Escherichia coli: Rai Fall, Totara Flats and Waihohai bathing sites. Report MDC 1701–1, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 14 pp.
Dada, A. C. (2017) Development of Predictive Models for Escherichia coli: Waitetī, Utuhina and Ngongotahā Streams. Report BPR 1701, Streamlined Environmental, Hamilton, 25 pp.
Hamilton, D.P., Dada, C.A., McBride, C.G. (2017) Water Quality Modelling of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere. ERI Report No. 100. Environmental Research Institute, Faculty of Science and Engineering, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Dada, A.C., Hicks, B. J. M., Ling, N., Kusabs, I.A., Hamilton, D. P. 2017. Assessment of Effects of Proposed Treated Wastewater Discharge to the Te Arikiroa Thermal Channel and Sulphur Bay (Lake Rotorua). ERI Report No. 91. Client report prepared for Rotorua Lakes Council. Environmental Research Institute, Faculty of Science and Engineering, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Dada, A.C. Hamilton, D.P. (2017) Modeling the impact of discharge of treated wastewater through Te Arikiroa Stream into Sulphur/Puarenga Bay, Lake Rotorua (draft). UoW Environmental Research Institute Client report in preparation for Rotorua Lake Council, 120pp.
Dada, A.C., McBride, C.M., Verburg, P., Hamilton, D.P. (2016) Modeling the impact of sewage reticulation in the Lake Tarawera catchment. Client report prepared for the Lake Tarawera Ratepayers Association. Environmental Research Institute Report No. 85, The University of Waikato, Hamilton.
Selected Peer Reviewed Publications
Lamori, G.J., Dada, A.C, Xue, J., Gyawali, P., Sherchan, S. (2021). Occurrence of Naegleria fowleri and fecal indicators in sediments from Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Under review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Dada, A. C., & Gyawali, P. (2021). Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) of occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater treatment plants. Science of The Total Environment, 142989.
Dada, A.C. (2019) Seeing is Predicting: Water Clarity-Based Nowcast Models for E. coli Prediction in Surface Water. Global journal of Health Science 11(3): 140-159
Dada, A.C. Hamilton, D.P. (2016) Lake Management, A restoration perspective. Chapter 28. In: Advances in New Zealand Freshwater Science, New Zealand Hydrological Society. P.G. Jellyman, T.J.A. Davie, C.P. Pearson, J.S. Harding (eds). Pp. 696.
Dada, A. C., & Hamilton, D. P. (2016) Predictive Models for Determination of E. coli concentrations at Inland Recreational Beaches. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 227(9), 347-360.
Ahmad, A., Dada A.C, Usup, G., Heng, L.Y (2014) Occurrence of Enterococcus Species with Virulence Markers in an Urban Flow-Influenced Tropical Recreational Beach. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 82(1-2): 26-38.
Ahmad, A., Dada A.C, Usup, G., Heng, L.Y (2014) Application of Multilocus Sequence Analysis for the Molecular Characterization of Enterococci with Putative Virulence Factors Recovered from a Tropical Recreational Beach, Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Journal (SEAMEO), 43(3): 700-712
Ahmad, A., Dada A.C, Usup, G., Heng, L.Y (2014) Biofilm production, esp and asa gene carriage among beach enterococci. Global Journal of Health Science, 6(5), 241-253.
Ahmad, A., Dada, A. and Usup, G. (2014) Survival of Epidemic, Clinical, Faecal and Recreational Beach Enterococci Strains with Putative Virulence Genes in Marine and Fresh Waters. Journal of Environmental Protection, 5, 482-492.
Dada, A. C., Ahmad, A., Usup, G., & Heng, L. Y. (2013). Occurrence of virulence determinants among enterococci from recreational beaches in Malaysia, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 42 (S2): S59-S60
Ahmad, A., Dada A.C, Usup, G., Heng, L.Y (2013) Validation of the Enterococci indicator for bacteriological quality monitoring of beaches in Malaysia using a multivariate approach. SpringerPlus. 2(1), 1-18.
Ahmad, A., Hamid, R., Dada, A. C., & Usup, G. (2013). Pseudomonas putida Strain FStm2 Isolated from Shark Skin: A Potential Source of Bacteriocin. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 5(3), 165-175
Dada A.C, Ahmad, A., Usup, G., Heng, L.Y (2012) Speciation and antimicrobial resistance of Enterococci isolated from recreational beaches in Malaysia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(2): 1583–1599
Dada A.C, Ahmad, A., Usup, G., Heng, L.Y (2012) Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence among Enterococci Isolated from Teluk Kemang Beach, Malaysia. Water Quality, Exposure and Health, 4(2):113-122
Dada, A. C., Ahmad, A., Usup, G., & Heng, L. Y. (2012). Virulence characteristics and antibiotic resistance among Enterococci isolated from Bagan Lalang beach, Malaysia, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 16 (S1): e412.
Dada, A. C., Asmat, A., Gires, U., Heng, L. Y., & Deborah, B. O. (2012). Bacteriological monitoring and sustainable management of beach water quality in Malaysia: problems and prospects. Glob J Health Sci, 4(3), 126-138.
Dada, A. C., Ahmad, A., Usup, G., & Heng, L. Y. (2012). High-level aminoglycoside resistance of Enterococci isolated from recreational beaches in Malaysia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(9):7427-43.